Saturday, August 31, 2019

Does language affect thought? Essay

Thinking is possible without language because expressing a thought is often limited by words. As the famous saying says â€Å"a picture is worth a thousand words† this may also mean an idea a though or a picture in your mind, is worth a thousand words. Many times, people would like to express something they are imagining in their minds but do not have or know the right words to do so. Languages can create perspectives and be a mean to express and receive thoughts; however, thinking does not always require language. Language facilitates knowledge by not only giving us a way to express it but also providing us with a way of imagining something. It allows us to organize and simplify our ideas. For instance, it is easier to think in a table as the word â€Å"table† instead of imagining the entire three dimensional objects. A good example of this is a history book: through its words (language) it gives us a, sometimes clear, picture of a battle, a signing of a treaty or any historic event. Through its words the book is able to provide the reader with knowledge which is then transformed by the reader into an idea and a thought. The same can happen inversely, a though can be converted into language, as people do in everyday conversations. While this might be true, it does not mean that people cannot think, know, or have an idea without using language. A good example that proves this is a newborn; a baby that is hungry and wants milk, even though he does not know the words to express it, must be thinking â€Å"I am hungry† or â€Å"I want milk†. Some may argue that a baby’s hunger is an instinct, not a though, but in some cases kids do not learn how to speak until they are much older, does this mean they have lived on only instincts and not thoughts until they learned to speak. But children learn words little by little, not all at once which may lead the questions, where is the boundary? How much language must someone know to be able to think? Or, Can people only think the words you know? Is a baby’s first though â€Å"mommy† or â€Å"daddy†? Even though babies have not learnt any form of communication, they laugh think something is funny. Languages can extend knowledge and bring new perspectives together. To efficiently use 100% of language, you would have to know every single word of every single every language, but let’s keep it down to only English. English has an extensive vocabulary; the more English you know the more you expand your thoughts, since better use of language means thoughts can be expressed more accurately. Knowing the right words to put forth a thought is vital in order to let another person understand what you are thinking. This is evident when people struggle to say or write something because they cannot come up with the appropriate word or words to express their exact thoughts (as I have been doing while writing this paper). This leads us to further evidence that thinking without language is possible; when people fail to find appropriate words for any thought, it proves they their not able to put their thought into language. The thought is not put into language by its owner because it is not fully expressible through the language he knows, and even though he does not know the words the express his thought, he is still thinking it. Also, often, as time passes, new words are constructed to express new thoughts meaning the existing vocabulary is inadequate to express the thoughts you have. This indicates that language is created by thoughts, and to extend language, thoughts must already exist before they can be put into a language. As language is broadened by thoughts, people grow to become more restricted to language. Basically, once you know words, it is very difficult to think without using them; when you see the color white, you think â€Å"white†, when you see a ball, you think â€Å"ball†, when you see the sky, you think â€Å"air†, â€Å"blue†, â€Å"sun† and so on, all in the form of words. Language only restricts a thought to one way of thinking and limits it from expressing the thought to the full extent. While there is no limitation placed on thinking by language, because thinking does not necessarily require language. Thinking does not always require language; people are capable of thinking without language. When most people think rationally, they require language. When people think or even talk within themselves they do it through language. But when people think visually they do not need language to give them information about the visual world. For example; someone can look at a person’s face and know what they are feeling. Language is a mean of receiving or expressing though, it is not the though itself, thus if you do not have to receive or express a though, you do not need language, which leads to the conclusion that it is possible to think without language.

Analysis and Evaluation of the Relationship Between Nora

Analysis and Exploration of the relationship between Nora and Torvald as portrayed in A Doll’s House As a reader, the relationship between Torvald and Nora seemed really interesting to me. While it appears one way on the surface, it is very different essentially. I chose to study this because I think, there is a great deal to explore in order to try and understand the marital dynamic between Nora and Torvald.There are so many things that go into why a relationship is theone that it is but I will focus on three very influential aspects in the book– the Victorian gender roles, societal expectations and the idea of image, as well as the individual personalities and beliefs both the spouses held. In assessing the relationship which Torvald and Nora share, it is most significant that we consider the Victorian gender roles at the time. In a time such as that one, both Torvald and Nora would be pressured and bred to mold themselves according to these gender rules.When you†™re raised a certain way and it is ingrained in you that you are expected to be a certain way, you will. Additionally, they would also expect their spouse to do the same. In Victorian times, there were two clear roles that a man and woman were supposed to play in a marriage. Essentially, the man was responsible for protecting, guarding and most of all, ensuring financial security for his wife. This can be observed in A Dollshouse several times. A blatant example is how Nora receives all her spending money from Torvald.Like a child, she receives allowances and sums of money to take care of the household expenses as well as for herself. To exemplify, I extracted an interaction between the couple that takes place when Torvald presents Nora with a sum of money. â€Å" Nora: Torvald, Thank you! This’ll keep me going for a long time! Torvald: Well, you must see that it does. † As a husband, Torvald also restricts her from doing things which he thinks aren’t good for her but she likes to do and these can be as trivial as eating macaroons.To quote Torvald, when he’s questioning Nora about whether or not she’s eaten macaroons and she denies the accusation, Torvald says â€Å"No, I know you wouldn’t, besides you’ve given me your word†. This little instance goes a long way in portraying his role in the relationship as someone who controls her and who is supposed to determine her actions. Another instance when Torvald acts according to his gender role is when he feels he needs to guide Nora to teach her how to dance for the Tarantella.And not only does he do that, but he revels in this role. When Nora presents a facade of desperately needing Torvald’s help to dance the tarantella, he says â€Å"This evening, I’ll be wholly and entirely at your service- you poor, helpless creature†. This leads me to talk about a womans role in the Victorian society and how it influences Nora in her relationship with her husband. If a husband was expected to provide for his wife, similarly, a woman was supposed to live it in gratitude and forever indebted to him.She was to abide by his standards and keep the house comfortable for him and essentially, be in his service all the time. This can really be observed in A Dolls House where Nora is constantly trying to be the ideal wife to Torvald. In Act 2 of the play, we can quote Nora saying to Kristina- â€Å"Sh! Here’s Torvald coming back. Look, go in and sit with the children for a bit- Torvald cant bear to see dressmaking. † She’s perpetually trying to appear a certain way, but to her own husband in her own home.When she’s undergoing hardships like when she was working because when they were in debt or when she’s distraught, she never lets him realize it. As a reader, one can observe this when Nora is describing to Kristina how she could not tell Torvald of her loan and says â€Å" [Torvald] would be terrib ly hurt and humiliated if he thought he owed anything to me. It’d spoil everything between is, and our lovely happy home would never be the same again†. This was also something that was expected of women in the era in that their personal struggles weren’t ever really shared with their husbands.This may seem really odd to us but at the time it may be because marriages in itself seldom took place because two people were in love, but because it was more of an arrangement for both of them to adhere to standards put up by society. So while Nora and Torvald do appear to be in love in its true form, we have to remember as readers, that he does keep in mind her background, her father’s past and this is because these things really mattered when choosing a spouse. He would never let it go. Even when they are having a completely irrelevant and pleasant discussion, Torvald finds a way to incorporate the unpleasant past of her family. Just like your father- always on t he look out for all the money you can get, but the moment you have it, it seems to slip through your fingers and you never know what becomes of it. Well, I must take you as you are- it’s in your blood. † This brings me to the second aspect that I studied which was holding up an image to society and adhering to its standards. This played a huge role in their relationship many times during the play so we can begin to understand how much it affected their marriage. The concept of â€Å"what will people think† arises so many times.The most notable occurrence demonstrating this is towards the end of the play when Torvald finds out about Nora’s lie and rather than trying to keep their relationship together out of genuine affection for Nora and him truly not wanting her to leave because he loves her, he wants her to stay and put up a facade as a married couple just so they still appear that way to society. This is really when we can see what their marriage really means to him. More than anything , it was something to show to society and perhaps this is why they always felt the need to be the ideal couple.It demonstrated his willingness to brush their problems under the rug to maintain an image to society. And doing this isn’t the way any healthy relationship should be, so from this we can conclude that his motive was elsewhere. And he says this too. â€Å"From now on, forget happiness. Now its about saving the remains, the wreckage, the appearance. † The marriage in itself meant less to him than appearance which really drives a reader to consider again how he interacted with his wife and the genuineness of their marriage as a whole.The idea of loving a woman like Nora was more important to Torvald than actually giving her the love she deserved and this is indicated when Nora says â€Å"You’ve never loved me, you’ve only found it pleasant to be in love with me. † Also, the idea of maintaining an image for s ociety comes in when Nora wants to kill herself instead of telling the truth about her debt. She doesn’t want society to look down upon her and her family, she doesn’t want Torvald to be looked down upon so she feels that is the only way out.And this shows how strongly she feels about society as opposed to herself and her husband as individuals. But Torvald seems to have a really determined moral compass. He feels strongly about crimes, lying and debt . He expresses this in act 1 when he says â€Å"Nora, you know what I think about that sort of thing. No debts, no borrowing. There’s something constrained, something ugly even, about a home that’s founded on borrowing and debt. You and I have managed to keep clear up till now and we shall still do so for the little time that is left. † Torvald makes sure that his wn views are heard in his relationship, which in this case only acted as a catalyst to Nora’s breakdown because she was doing and li stening to two different things. Lastly, I wanted to study Torvald and Nora’s own individual personalities and beliefs which probably play the most important role in their marriage. What else can explain the need for Nora to tell little lies like eating macaroons behind Torvald’s back or her strong notion to kill herself when she’s in debt and does not want it to affect her current family. Torvald’s aversion to debt and views about Nora’s family also come out in the same way.In a way , maybe their respective upbringings played a role in how they acted in their marriage. Nora was brought up being repressed, her father wanted to her to act a certain way and always ensured that his opinions were her opinions. From there she was married and experienced almost the same thing. And this constant repression and control over her life, indicated when Nora says â€Å"I’ve been your doll wife here, just as at home I was papa’s doll child†, might be what subconsciously drives her to do things like eat macroons and feel the need to hide such a thing such as a debt from her husband.Even in her initial conversation with Mrs. Lindt, she almost describes the whole experience of the secret loan as something exciting because for her it is that different because of what her life has always been. When Kristina inquires whether Nora obtained her large sum of money through the lottery, Nora responds â€Å"A lottery! Pooh-where would be the glory in that ? † In the same way, Nora experiences how her father was a victim of society when he was dishonest and committed a crime.. Just remember the wicked things they put in the paper about Papa- how cruelly they slandered him. † She doesn’t want the same thing to happen to her own family and this drives her to react the way that she does- because like anyone else her childhood affects her even in her adulthood Incidentally, Torvald’s strong opinions also infl uence their relationship in that she feels the need to hide things because she knows how he feels about them and he doesn’t make it appear as though he’d understand.His opinions were supposed to be hers and his beliefs were supposed to be Nora’s. † You arranged everything to suit your own tastes† says Nora in the third act,† and so I came to have the same tastes as yours.. or I pretended to. I’m not quite sure which. † His strong hatred towards loans and bad deeds are two examples of the same. The most important idea of their individual views is Torvald’s physical attraction and lust for Nora in that it really limits the depth of their relationship.She loves him for all the right reasons and genuinely accepted him as a husband and would sacrifice anything for him, even her life. The way he interacts with her though, is always a more superficial manner pertaining to her beauty and physical appearance rather than as a person. In their most intense moments of interaction we experience before he finds the letter, he speaks to her through a veil of desire and lust â€Å"When I watched you swaying and becokoning in the tarantella, it set my blood on fire till I couldn’t bear it any longer That’s why I brought you home so early. Rather than treating her on a human level, he objectifies her and treats her as a possession or incidentally, a doll – not his partner or equal. â€Å"How fascinating you are, you lovely little thing†¦ Maynt I look at my dearest treasure? At all the beauty that belongs to no one but me- that’s all my very own† Nora is something Torvald feels like he’s proud to own, rather than as a person on her own. Which is really what she struggles with in the end, herself as a person.How he talked to her and how he belittled her , how she was treated that way almost her whole life influenced the outcome of the play in that she finally realizes that s he’s her own person, not a counterpart to any man. â€Å" You’ve committed a grievous sin against me; its your fault I’ve made nothing of my life. †. This demonstrates Nora’s final revelation in the climax of the play. To conclude, id like to mention that a great deal goes into their marriage and how it ended in the play. But by studying a few aspects it gave me a better understanding as to why they were a certain way.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Teamwork in Business Environment

Teamwork can be simply defined, â€Å"as a state of unity achieved within a group of people working for a specific economic benefit. † It is used to determine the coordination and cooperation of a business venture so as to attain the optimum output of the employees. All around the world we can find various organizations that work in business group having a fixed and well defined set of rules and regulations to ensure teamwork and maintain team spirit in the organization.Looking at the size and vastness of projects in an  organization, necessary work has to be broken down into different departments, even departments are not sufficient enough to handle the burden of work. Thus in departments there arises the need to make different teams of individual that are assigned a common target, so as to accomplish the organizational goal. A team that works together to share common goal stands out to achieve the goals. Teamwork helps in making the task more interesting with the social su pport and cooperation of the employees and hence improving their skills.NewspaperThe old tale of the Japanese samurai warrior takes a new life in today’s generation. The tale talks about the warrior making his sons realize that if they stick together no power can ever defeat them. Likewise, today’s executives consider that their ability to overcome challenges rests most upon teamwork. In today’s world it is necessary for a leader to work in a team so as to overcome the challenges he faces. Irrelevant of the leader’s rank, he or she needs to gather information, relating to the issue at hand, and consider others viewpoints in order to make an appropriate decision.A leader is always thought to be someone who is heroic and unaccompanied, but instead he is the one who works in a team while solving various problems. Gergern, 2007, here, considers Honoree Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense, America and United Kingdom’s former Prime Minister, T ony Blair. Krupp, being one of the best corporate leaders of America, could not do anything, to reduce carbon emissions, alone.It was the partnership that he, along with Jonathan Lash of the World Resource Institute, created with large corporations including General Electric, Duke Energy and DuPont, which was able to put intense pressure on the federal government to reduce carbon emissions. Believing that no country can alone handle climatic change, Tony Blair being a political leader states, ‘If the U. K. stopped using carbon entirely, industrial production from China would make up the difference in just two years.’Thus it is teamwork that helps leaders achieve success in their respective fields of profession. One’s business and well-being can only grow with the advice, support, ideas and help of his or her TEAM. It is very well said by Napolean Hill that â€Å"no man is an island† and no one can achieve its best or highest success if try to do it by itse lf. It is always amusing to hear that Sir Edmund Hillary was the first to scale Mt Everest, or that Neil Armstrong was the first to walk on the moon.True, they were the individuals who raised the flag, but those achievements were not accomplished alone. Both Charles Lindbergh, the first to fly solo from New York to Paris, and Steve Fosset who flew around the world solo before his untimely death, did it in planes they did not build and with the support of thousands of people who made their flights possible. Every successful entrepreneur has dozens of people cheering them on. Every successful endeavor is the result of many people working in concert, giving advice, sharing the vision and encouraging us.Everyone needs his or her â€Å"companions† in success. If you do not have a â€Å"team† then it is very difficult to optimally achieve the task, and if you do not have a coach then you don’t know whether you are heading in correct direction or not. Remember Napolean Hill– â€Å"no man (or woman) is an island. † Or, as the Beatles put it even more memorably, â€Å"We get by with a little help from our friends. † TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) prides itself on the team’s excellent reputation, credibility and expertise.Academic JournalTeamwork is the most important virtue of a good team. It is the most basic requirement for the successful functioning of any organization. Most individuals work in a business environment that requires cooperative team efforts to successfully reach business goals. All business goals can be only achieved by teamwork and full co-operation of all individuals. This makes the ability to work in teams a critical skill set. It is a skill that is required by any one who wants to effectively contribute to an  organizations development.The recent trend towards leaner, flatter organizations, with fewer levels of hierarchy, places even greater emphasis on the need for cross-functional teamwo rk. Team performance completely depends on the synchronized efforts of the individuals who work in a team. A team that works together can achieve all goals in stipulated time, with 100% perfection and zero defects. The concept of teamwork becomes more important when people work in big teams.Also, teamwork and functioning of a team depend on the team leader. A team that cooperates with its leader and follows him can function smoothly; hence a team which works together achieves heights together. The skill of teamwork is very precious to all organizations; all organizations are always in search of individuals who can contribute to the development of a team. These days’ big organizations also organize special activities to develop team spirit within its employees; this benefits the employees as well.Working in a good team helps employees to concentrate better on their work, it leads to better working environment and hence better development of employees. Thus, teamwork is a skill , which is beneficial and necessary for the smooth functioning of any organization. Cooperation between individuals can only help an organization to successfully achieve its goals and good levels of employee satisfaction.Book Extract or ChapterAccording to today’s business environment, teamwork is a very essential part of every organization. Teamwork improves the quality and performance of the organization and provides job satisfaction to the workers. In an organization, teamwork is widespread and provides flexibly to the organization and shows improvements in the other important areas such as employee relations. Basically teamwork helps the organization to achieve its goals. Using effective teams fallibility can be achieved with provides a  better platform for the organization so that it can operate smoothly in this rapidly changing business world.Teams can only be efficient if it has better working relationship which can only be achieved, provided that working together as a combine effort can make an organization flourish that will also help in increasing job satisfaction and quality of work life. Teamwork will also reduce workload as the work has been divided and it is easy for the employee’s to work more effectively and this will lead to organizational benefits.Benefits of Teamwork:Providing social support to employeesEncourage cooperationMake jobs more interesting and challengingImproves employees technical and interpretation skillsWebpageTeamwork is becoming more significant in the workplace as companies have started to notice the benefits that co-operative efforts can provide. While teamwork has for long been present in the workplace with employees, only recently this has shifted towards the upper level management. One trend that has also recently picked up is the ‘lift out. ’ Companies have noticed that certain groups of employees who are exceptional succeed because of the team that they work with. A ‘lift out,â€℠¢ involves hiring a high functioning team that has worked together in the past.This has many benefits; one of the main being the new group ‘can quickly come up to speed in a new environment. ’ (Groysberg, Abrahams, 2006) Employees that have worked together often have fewer conflicts between each other, and each member of a group is aware of the other members’ strengths and weaknesses, making delegation of a given task much easier and more efficient. As a team grows together, having a variety of different strengths within the group allows the group to function as a single unit, capable of much more than individuals performing together.The longer groups work together, the more cohesive they become and their efficiency only increases. The first known ‘lift out’ occurred in 1946 when a Air Force Colonel took nine of his colleagues to the Ford Motor Company, and helped the desperate company pull through some difficult times. Since then, lift outs have bec ome more common, and today the companies have started to realize the full potential that lift outs can bring.While it may harm the company that lost employees, a lift out can be greatly beneficial financially to the company that’s hiring the team. The company can save significantly on training and acquainting the new group with each other, and can directly put the new employees to work. It is crucial in this day and age for firms to encourage teamwork as the internet has simplified communication and made interaction easier. A good team can be a great asset to companies as they increase efficiency while saving them both time and money.ConclusionAnalyzing the sources given above, we can conclude that:Newspaper article 1- Riaa Khurana: In today's generation all leaders, irrespective of their ranks, need to work in teams in order to achieve success. Newspaper article 2- Shantanu Aggarwal: Every business today can only grow if its members work in a team and solve the problems that the business faces by giving in their respective ideas and viewpoints. Academic journal- Akshai Puri: Any existing organization can only achieve success is it has the beneficial skill of teamwork.It is the cooperation between its members that helps the organization achieves their goals. Book extract or chapter- Gaurav Gandhi: Teamwork helps the organization improve its product and job quality. It also helps an employee get full job satisfaction and work efficiently by reducing his or her workload. Webpage- Vivek Talluri: Teamwork should be encouraged as a good team acts as an important asset for companies and helps them increase their productivity.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

LGBT High School Students Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

LGBT High School Students - Research Paper Example Basically, there are several factors behind support groups working for LGBT. To start with, such groups enhance comfort to the students through the provision of the necessary help in terms of guidance and counseling. To some extent, this promotes self-confidence and in that manner creating an atmosphere through which the learners do not feel discriminated by their fellow colleagues as well as teachers (Baur, 2008). Through guidance and counseling, the support groups ensure that students understand more in relation to LGBT and the way forward towards achieving success in life. A comparable reason as to why support group work for LGBT is to develop a sense of equality among all people. From a broad perception, it is agreeable that different support groups aim at helping LGBT in order to ensure that the standards of life are raised accordingly. In that case, working for the LGBT considerably determines the manner through which the lives of those people will be in future (Ramified & Deicer, 2003). Through encouraging them on their significance in life as human beings, support groups endorse approaches through which they establish a benchmark critical for learning and living. With the different support groups that exist in the present day, each has a role to play towards enhancing safety and equality in terms of the provision of education and other essentials in life (Hurst, 2001). A comparable reason as to why support group works for the LGBT is to in order to mingle with other youths and in that way making sure they share their secrets and emotions. On the whole, this considerably helps to avoid being isolated from the straight humans. Support groups as well deal with discrimination and recognition of LGBT students. Based on the support groups, an emphasis based on the fact that people should recognize LGBT as people with the human rights is enhanced accordingly.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Computer Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Ethics - Essay Example Community standards are not necessarily very present on the Internet, unless one counts Internet social networking sites as formal ways which try to organize information in a way that is easily digestible by readers. Right now, as things stand, users have direct control over their options. Community standards criterion might be very difficult to be preserved on the Internet-namely because there weren’t any standards to begin with. According to Curry, Riley, & Battistoni, â€Å"With the Internet, the user can control very precisely the sites and information to be accessed. However,concerns about adult access to adult information and communications have arisen if regulators chose to protect adolescents from obscenity on the Internet†.While some sites can be blocked by parents and educators, obscenities on the Internet can’t necessarily be regulated completely. However, that does not mean that Internet regulation is not on the horizon. According to Tavani, â€Å"De spite some of the controversies and challenges that arise in schemes for regulating cyberspace, it is noted that we should not presume against Internet regulation. In fact, there is a 'strong moral case can be made for regulating the content of the Internet†. Morally speaking, many people would like it if the content of the Internet could be regulated in terms of language use on chat rooms and social networking sites. In fact, that is the next wave of technology that might come in handy some day, is the use of administrators, or Admin, to basically monitor the content placed online.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The causes and effects of World War II Term Paper

The causes and effects of World War II - Term Paper Example Though many countries got involved in the war, the superpowers present then spearheaded the war. This led to the creation of the Allies forces on one side and the Axis forces on the other. The Allies group got made up of the United States of America, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China and France. The Axis group, on the other hand, got made up of Germany, Japan and Italy (Torrin 32). Statistics claim that this war had the largest number of military personnel directly involved in the war, with over 100 million people serving in active combat out in the war front. In a bid to prove their supremacy and superiority over other powers, many nations involved in the war gave it their all in as far as their industrial, innovative, scientific and more importantly, economic abilities got concerned. This would later prove to be a lousy choice for many countries that had to build their countries from scratch after the war ended (Hamilton 77). This war became defined by an arms race which invol ves the use of sophisticated weapons and relatively new technologies of combat. Nuclear weapons became largely used by the feuding states and this led to the demise of more than 75 million people. This could explain why the Second World War gets viewed as the most brutal of combats in history (Senker 85). The occurrence of the war could almost be viewed as spontaneous. Though the world had been volatile since 1918 when the First World War ended, no one had the slightest idea that a war of such magnitude was going to erupt. This war, which dates back seventy three years ago, begun on the 1st of September, 1939 by the unexpected German invasion of Polish territory with no warning whatsoever. Within the next two days, that is, by the third day of September, Great Britain begun feuding with Germany (Vandome 61). A week hardly went by before the war became a bare knuckle fight, involving nations that included Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. The battle ground involved in this war was far reaching. From the Normandy Hedgerows to the Stalingrad streets, from the Pacific Islands to the wild jungle of Burma, from the dusty Libyan deserts to the Norwegian Ice Mountains, war was evident. The Germany raised their mighty hand against the Polish people. Italians fought against the Americans, and the Japanese rose against the Australians. The dynamics of this war got complicated. Historians say that this war got finally decided by the nuclear weapons race that later took center stage between these world powers (Senker 132). World War II had many different causes. One of the causes of World War II was the instability and the economic depression that affected many of the European and world super powers. The economic depression was a substantial causative factor of the war especially around 1929. It led to a state of disarray in Germany leading to massive unemployment and lack of income. The US refrained from lending money to Germany for reparations and began to demand their money back. America then went into isolation in a bid to protect its own economy and to avoid involvement in another European war that promised to be costly to its taxpayers. As a result, economic crisis griped the world and distrust began forming again (McBrewster 66). The German economy, which was a world leader, suffered severely. The economic meltdown created the perfect opportunity for the rise of dictators like Stalin, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, who were all prominent and revered in as far as the war gets concerned. The depression led a large number of the unemployed population to support these dictatorships as they got rewarded with adequate food supplies and a means of livelihood. In Germany especially, the depression that caused

Monday, August 26, 2019

Employees Job satisfaction in Pakistan banking sector Essay

Employees Job satisfaction in Pakistan banking sector - Essay Example s not feel like his job is contributing anything to his growth or the organization; he also feels that the job is not in tandem with his ideals and values for work anymore. The problem with Salim was that he was not feeling ‘job satisfaction’ anymore. To elucidate this concept, I carried out research into different resources including journals, magazines, websites and books. Job satisfaction is the consequence that one feels ‘from the perception that one’s job fulfils or allows the fulfillment of one’s important job values† (Henne & Locke 222). These job values are individualistic in nature therefore when one job satisfies person A, it is not unlikely that the same job will not satisfy person B. This is because their definitions of what their job values are and how the current job is fulfilling them is quite different. To understand what constitutes job satisfaction, I looked into the work of Saleh & Hyde who say that job satisfaction is the combined result of ‘intrinsic’ and extrinsic’ factors (47): intrinsic factors include things like the kind of work performed, sense of achievement and responsibility associated with it, development of new skill and maturing of the mind; extrinsic factors are more tangible such as the work environment and ambience, salary and bonuses, rewards and promotions, job security and interpersonal relationships developed. Saleh and Hyde found that the people who are more intrinsically motivated are able to gain higher levels of satisfaction (52). The study correlated the intrinsic values to the theory of activation where a certain activation level, which is devoid of external factors, determines how positively or negatively – in turn satisfied or dissatisfied – the individual feels towards any stimulus. Authors Saleh and Hyde write that simple jobs provide lesser stimulation to reach the activation level (52) and thus, will likely take harder to reach the threshold for satisfaction; this explains why a new job is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Western Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Western Art - Essay Example Classical architecture is based on the ‘symbolism’; a unit which is designed by categorization is mainly by the type of column used. Each order use to designed from the column, plus its base, plinth, or pedestal (if any), the crowning feature of the shaft, and the attractive horizontal member that triumphs of column, divided into three bands—architrave, frieze, and cornice. The Greeks used to have three orders, to get progressively slimmer and more ornately decorated: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, named after regions of Greece in which they are said to have been first used. The Romans later added two more orders—Tuscan, a starker form of Doric, and Composite, the richest of all. It was the combination of the features of Ionic and Corinthian—but Corinthian was the representation of the great order of the imperial Rome. Vitruvius discussed the orders, and from this resulted in the revival of the idea which represented their proportions and detailing which were codified and demonstrated in countless architectural treatises. Neolithic architecture appeared around 5500 to 8000 BC but there has been some evidence indicating that early Neolithic architecture appeared as early as 10000 BC in Syria and Iraq. Early Neolithic people especially in Mesopotamia were great builders who primarily used mud bricks to raise houses. More often than not these houses were painted with intricate landscapes of humans and animals probably depicting the way life were led in those times. These people also made elaborate tombs for their dead, a very good example of which is the Mane Braz megalithic tomb in Brittany, France. Stonehenge  is a  primitive  monument  located in the  English  county of  Wiltshire, which is the most famous prehistoric sites of world; Stonehenge is  earthworks  surrounded with large standing stones in a circular setting.  Archaeologists  believed that the iconic stone monument was erected around 2500 BC. Now if we

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Corporate finance - WACC - Cash Flow - Measuring Return on Investment Assignment

Corporate finance - WACC - Cash Flow - Measuring Return on Investment - discounted cash flow techniques - Financing Decisions - - Assignment Example Accounting earnings are obtained from the income statements prepared in accordance with the applicable accounting standards and frameworks, whereas cash flows are determined as the cash inflows and outflows generated from a certain project. There are some major factors, which constitute the differences between the accounting earnings and cash flows, such as: 1. Operating and Capital Expenditures Operating expenditures are considered as those expenses, which are directly linked with the revenues such as direct material, direct labor, overheads etc. Conversely, capital expenditures are those expenditures, which are incurred by the firm in order to develop the business infrastructure, e.g. purchasing a building, land, equipment etc. Under accounting earnings, operating expenditures are included in arriving at the final net income figure. However, capital expenditures are spread over the useful lives of those assets and then systematically depreciated. Under cash flow estimations, both o perating and capital expenditures are included in order to analyze the overall viability of the project. In short, the mainstream difference between the accounting earnings and cash flows is the exclusion of capital expenditures from the accounting earnings but its inclusion in cash flows. 2. ... However, due to low taxable income, the amount of tax is reduced substantially, which is in fact cash based expenditure. Under cash flow approach, depreciation, amortization and other non-cash expenses are not included, but the tax savings due to such non-cash expenses are included which lead to better cash flows. In short, non-cash expenses in deriving accounting earnings but they are excluded in cash flow approach. However, tax benefits are included as cash inflow in cash flow based approach. 3. Accrual versus Cash conventions Accounting earnings are purely established because of the relevant accounting standards and frameworks, such as GAAP and IFRS. These standards require the firms to draft their financial statements by utilizing accrual basis of accounting. Accrual basis of accounting states that, expenditure should be recognized in the financial statements in the period in which it is incurred, not in the period in which it is paid. Similarly, revenue is recognized in the fina ncial statements in the period in which it is earned, not in the period in which it is received. On the other hand, cash flow approach works on the principle of cash inflows and outflows in the periods in which they are received and paid. Therefore, the major difference between accounting earnings and cash flows is the accrual versus cash based conventions, which lead to material differences between the amounts of returns obtained under both approaches. B. INCREMENTAL VERSUS TOTAL CASH FLOWS In order to analyze the return on investment, another important way to analyze is to look whether the whole firm is benefitted from that piece of investment or not. Obviously, a firm is benefitted from the cash

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing plan for Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing plan for - Research Paper Example cific industry in which operates, the organization requires a holistic marketing strategy associated with the Amazon name rather than attempting the laborious and costly activity of differentiating each and every market in which the company maintains a presence. Therefore, the company should be focusing on building a brand personality for the company as a whole, making a variety of markets gain favorable impressions of the company and not the products or industries in which the business operates. The marketing strategy is to ensure that disparate consumer segments build a perception of brand preference for over its plethora of different competitors. Brand preference is defined as the level to which consumer segments prefer a company or brand after weighing equality related to product availability and pricing structures (Boone & Kurtz, 2007). It is the extent to which consumers would rather make purchases with one company over other competitive offerings in an established market. Advertising is a powerful influence in creating brand preference (Jedidi, Mela & Gupta, 1999). Price is also a substantial persuasion that impacts the level of demand that companies can expect which is an indicator of brand preference (Draganska & Jain, 2006)., as a company that has been in operation since 1994, has already established brand recognition and brand awareness with millions of consumers which is justified by attained revenues of $61.09 billion in 2012 (Amazon, 2013). However, if the company can establish brand preference, it will open many new market opportunities and increase market share for this company that is still in the growth stage. Companies that have managed to establish brand preference experience higher revenue growth and can even allow organizations to charge higher prices since consumers believe in the quality and integrity of the brand (Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001). To accomplish this goal of establishing more significant brand